Sunday, August 31, 2008

Late Night Jokes Of The Week: McCain's Houses, Hillary's Pan

Republicans love America, they just hate half the people living in it. Classic.

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Monday, August 25, 2008

50 crazy years

Dedicated to the 2 people that made
this trip possible - on so many levels.

Mom and Dad have been married for 50 years! So those of us who owe our existence (or the existence of a spouse) to that marriage all went to Puerto Penasco, Mexico for the week to enjoy each other and celebrate the union of the 2 people that we love most. It was so much fun! We played a lot of poker, (I almost won) played in the waves, read breaking dawn, (props to Emily) explored the sea life after dark (we almost caught a fish) and generally had an amazingly great time.

On our way to Puerto Penasco we stopped at the Dairy Queen in Ajo, CA. The kids that work at this particular dairy queen apparently had a little too much time on their hands because the menu board had been altered to include a lot of items that you would not normally be able to get at a dairy queen; such as 'star piss', 'strawberry shortcock' and a new menu item called 'eat dik'.

Lily and Brianna had a fantastic time riding in the coin operated truck. The really great part was that neither of them wanted the truck to actually move, so no coins were necessary!

Cudos to Jeff for getting us all to sit down so Mom and Dad could tell us their memories of dating, getting married and raising a family. It was so much fun listening to the old stories and sharing memories of each other.

****** Jay gets the award for picture of the week for capturing this shot of Archie diving into the waves-------------->
Freakin' awesome! **************

The ocean was perfect, the sand was HOT, the company was fantastic and the food was delicious. I have so many great memories of the trip.

I've included a few of my favorite pictures.

I generally consider myself a pretty good record keeper when it comes to taking pictures and documenting memories that way. I'm afraid I was having way too much fun this time. If you have some pictures that I should add for all to see, please send them along.

I'll always remember Cindy like this -------->

Thanks to Jay for bringing the IK. It was so much fun (I apologize for thinking that we would be swept out to sea to be eaten by sharks and giant squid. It was fantastic)

Malarie, Will and Lily were willing to let me try out a new idea and we made handprints in the sand with shells and plaster of paris. After a few trials I think they turned out pretty dang good.
Props to Jay for mixing the plaster of paris for me - even if I am an unrelenting, impossible-to-please-perfectionist at times.

In the beginning

Well, we'll just see how good I am at this. Let's hope for the best! I woke up this morning before everyone else in the house (but the cat) so that I could study. Doesn't appear that I'm doing such a good job. I must say in my defense that Dr. Foley has failed to load the modules necessary for me to feel like I'm really behind.

My plan is to use this to do your normal blog stuff. Air opinions, share pictures and humorous stories and hopefully do it in an entertaining manner.

Well. Here goes.

About Me

Salt Lake City, UT
Mom of 3, wife of 1, grad student, SLP, and general all around cool person